Who is Circling Our Homes?
Full Public Disclosure Requested
Oregon Aviation Watch submitted the following to the Hillsboro Airport(HIO) Master Planning Advisory Committee on 9/12/17. This committee is currently considering future growth and expansion options at HIO. Though the businesses and individuals located at this airport have benefited from lavish government subsidies from multiple government sources including the FAA, ConnectOregon, Gain Share, the Oregon Department of Transportation, Portland Community College and the Port of Portland, the public is routinely kept in the dark about what is occurring at this facility. Nonetheless they have historically withheld crucial information about their past activities, current operations and future plans.
This request was submitted in an effort to gather comprehensive data so that informed decisions can be made. It is the firm conviction of Oregon Aviation Watch that those who benefit from government money should be forthcoming and transparent in their responses.
Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA), one of the largest airplane and helicopter flight training schools on the West coast, is located at the Port of Portland (Port) owned and operated Hillsboro Airport. HAA also offers pilot instruction at the Troutdale and Prineville Airports. The school was a division of Hillsboro Aviation until 2014 when the President and CEO, Max Lyons, sold it to out of state investors - Renovus Capital based in Pennsylvania and Graycliff Partners, "an independent investment firm with offices in New York and Brazil." Lyons, however, stayed on as a minority owner and manager.[1]
According to their website, over the 37 years that Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA) / Hillsboro Aviation (HA) has been in business, it has trained pilots from over 75 countries.[2] The school is reputed to provide training annually to approximately 700 students from around the world.[3] Per Max Lyons, the owner of Hillsboro Aviation and part owner and manager of Hillsboro Aero Academy, "Hillsboro Aviation has trained thousands of airplane and helicopter pilots from Asia." He further stated that, "As general aviation continues to grow and expand in China, we want to have a role in its growth and support this industry with the experience and resources we have developed over our 30 year history with Asia."[4]
Given the likelihood that many Chinese pilots will serve in the Chinese military or law enforcement upon their return to their homeland, the provision of this pilot instruction essentially supports China's authoritarian approach to governance; its ongoing and brutal genocide against Tibet, its repression of democracy and its history of jailing dissidents including Nobel Laureate, Liu Xiaobo. China's close alliance with North Korea is also worth noting.
A 2013 posting from the Hillsboro Aviation website included a number of foreign organizations and airlines that have made them "a leader in the industry." Most are associated with China, but Japan, Taiwan and Norway also made the list.[5]
- The Airline Pilot Association of Taiwan chose Hillsboro Aviation as its premier location to train.
- The Japan Aviation Academy chose Hillsboro Aviation as their exclusive pilot training school.
- Shanghai Airlines chose Hillsboro Aviation to train its pilots.
- China Eastern Airlines chose Hillsboro Aviation to train its pilots.
- Air China chose Hillsboro Aviation to train its pilots.
- PTES (Cessna's single-engine piston airplane and Robinson helicopter dealer in China) chose Hillsboro Aviation as its U.S. aviation partner.
- Luftfartsskolen School of Aviation in Norway chose Hillsboro Aviation to train its pilots.
- The CAAC (Chinese government) approved Hillsboro Aviation to conduct both airplane and helicopter training.
Portland Community College - Major Source of Aviation Noise and Pollution
Portland Community College (PCC) has strong ties to the aviation industry and the provision of flight training on behalf of Chinese pilots. Indeed, this taxpayer funded educational institution encouraged Hillsboro Aero Academy to expand its pilot training program at the Troutdale Airport.[6] Students enrolled in PCC's Aviation Science program contract with Hillsboro Aero Academy for the in-flight portion of their certification. As a direct consequence, PCC student pilots have played a major role in degrading livability by generating frequent daytime and nighttime noise disruptions, polluting the air, and causing safety and security risks over area homes and neighborhoods.
Aviation Profiteers Exploit Community and Compromise Security
The Port of Portland (Port), PCC, and FAA are government agencies that receive public money. Although Hillsboro Aero Academy and other private flight training businesses benefit from millions of FAA Port and ConnectOregon dollars invested in maintaining and staffing air traffic control towers and infrastructure expansions, a shroud of secrecy veils the activities that occur at these airports. In fact, the current system is so skewed towards promoting industry profits that it allows student pilots to walk onto the tarmac and board a plane at the Port's general aviation airports without any security check whatsoever. In addition, the luggage and other belongings carried on to general aviation domestic aircraft are not subjected to security screenings.
By contrast, passengers flying out of commercial airports are required to undergo TSA security checks that can involve x-ray machines, pat downs and other invasive procedures. Luggage and personal belongings are also scrutinized.
Clearly general aviation airports can pose significant security threats. A salient example occurred at HIO this past summer. According to media reports, on 7/3/17 a man wearing a gray hoodie jumped the fence at HIO and allegedly tried to steal a helicopter. In the absence of security at this facility, armed Hillsboro Aero Academy employees held the man at gunpoint, however when the Hillsboro Police arrived, the presumed hijacker managed to flee and was subsequently shot and killed by the police.[7]
As a result of his death it is difficult to gather information regarding his intent and motive. Newspaper accounts identified the intruder as Holden Gorka who worked as a truck driver.[8] Very little information has been released since this incident. It is unclear why Gorka opted to climb the perimeter fence since it is relatively easy to walk directly onto the HIO airfield with no security clearance whatsoever. Regardless of the sketchy specifics regarding this case, it underscores the risks posed as a result of the minimal security at U.S. general aviation airports.
Many Washington County residents impacted by the oft-times relentless noise generated by aviation activity at the Hillsboro Airport can personally attest to being plagued by repetitively circling aircraft both close in to HIO as well as farther out, over rural and woodland properties more than 12 to 20 miles from the airport. Residents in dense residential neighborhoods within a two mile radius of the airport are frequently at risk of FAA Safety Standard violators. In addition, many of these pilots fly to other nearby airports throughout Oregon and Washington including, but not limited to, Scappoose Airpark, Stark's Twin Oaks, Skyport, McMinnville, Newburg, Aurora, Pearson, and other airports in the region. Despite numerous complaints as well as information requests aimed at better understanding the situation, the Port, PCC and the Hillsboro Aero Academy / Hillsboro Aviation have steadfastly refused to release detailed explanations about who is training at these facilities.
In addition, given the lack of consideration and protections for people on the ground, general aviation pilots have the potential to keep U.S. residents under surveillance at all times - a serious concern in light of escalating global tensions throughout the world. At the very least, the minimal security at HIO gives a potential terrorist easy access to aircraft that could be used to damage corporate facilities such as Intel which store significant quantities of toxic pollutants on-site. Schools, power grids, water resources, homes and neighborhoods are also at risk.
China Strongly Allied with the Port of Portland, PCC, Russia and North Korea
Why is Oregon more committed to training pilots on behalf of China's authoritarian regime than it is to protecting its own taxpaying constituents from the environmental, livability and security threats posed by China? The evidence suggests that an insidious all-consuming greed guides aviation policy in this state to an inordinate degree.
China is the largest ally and trade partner of North Korea, a country that is threatening to point nuclear missiles at Guam, Hawaii, and the West Coast of the U.S. There are also indications that these missiles may eventually have the capability of reaching as far inland as Chicago. The devastation and loss of life that could occur both in Asia and the U.S. in the event of a conflagration of this magnitude is unimaginable.
The heightened tensions between North Korea and the United States sheds additional light on the strong alliance that exists between China and the Kim Jong Un regime. According to U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, China is reluctant to pressure North Korea to end its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Merkley explained that Chinese officials "fear a reunified Korean state could be friend to American interests and foe to Chinese." In addition China is concerned that a collapse of North Korea could trigger "a flood of Korean refugees into China."[9]
China is also building military facilities including missile shelters in the South China Seas, an action that has raised U.S. concerns that China may intend to restrict free movement and trade in this region.[10]
Full Public Disclosure Requested
In the interest of full disclosure and the promotion of public trust, the following information should be made readily available. This is an opportunity for Governor Brown to demonstrate her support for government transparency, especially since she is responsible for appointing the members of the Port of Portland Board of Commissioners and the Oregon State Aviation Board.
Questions regarding HIO Tenants and Businesses
- The Port has stated that there are at least 25 businesses located at the Hillsboro Airport (HIO). Please identify these businesses.
- How many based aircraft does each business have at HIO? How many operations and flight hours does each business log on an annual and monthly basis?
- How many additional operations does each business expect to log over the next 5-10-20 years?
- Of these 25 businesses, which ones provide flight training at HIO?
- How many and how frequently are student pilots training in larger aircraft, such as corporate or commercial jets?
- How many and how frequently are student pilots training in helicopters and fixed wing aircraft?
- Please identify how many of the operations at HIO are training operations. If this information is currently unavailable, OAW recommends the establishment of landing fees on all operations to track the exact numbers.
Questions Specific to Hillsboro Aero Academy (HAA)
- Hillsboro Aero Academy / Hillsboro Aviation (HA) has stated that it has trained student pilots from over 75 countries. Please provide a detailed list of these countries and information about how many students from each country train at HIO on a monthly and annual basis. How many hours does each pilot log? Please provide this information for each of the 37 years Hillsboro Aero Academy / Hillsboro Aviation has been in business.
- Exactly how many pilots has HAA / HA trained from China? How many Chinese pilots are currently training at HAA / HA?
- Have HAA / HA employees met with government leaders from China? If so in what capacity? Were they authorized to do so by the Governor, Port of Portland, U.S. government or any other local, state or federal official or agency? Are public records available regarding any meetings that transpired? If so how can they be accessed by members of the public?
- Has HAA / HA trained pilots from North Korea, Russia, or Syria? If so when and how many? Please provide this information on a monthly and annual basis.
- Is HAA / HA currently training pilots from any of these countries?
- Have HAA /HA employees met with government leaders from North Korea, Russia, and / or Syria? If so in what capacity? Were they authorized to do so by the Governor, Port of Portland, U.S. government or any other local, state or federal official? Are public records available regarding any meetings that transpired? If so how can they be accessed by Oregon Aviation Watch and other members of the public?
- In light of the knowledge that a number of the pilots involved in the 9/11 tragedy were from Saudi Arabia, please provide detailed information about the number of pilots HAA / HA has trained from this country on a monthly and annual basis since 1980?
- Does HAA / HA currently or has it ever provided training on behalf of the military for any foreign country? If so provide the names of the specific countries served including a breakdown of the number of pilots trained, the number of operations and the hours logged.
- Does HAA / HA currently or has it ever provided training on behalf of law enforcement or the police force for any foreign country? If so provide the names of the specific countries served including a breakdown of the number of pilots trained, the number of operations and the hours logged.
- Does HAA / HA currently or has it ever provided training on behalf of law enforcement or the police force for any jurisdiction in Oregon? If so please state how many pilots were served and how many operations and flight hours were logged in the provision of this activity.
- Does HAA / HA currently or has it ever provided training on behalf of law enforcement or the police force for any other U.S. state outside of Oregon? If so please identify which states and / or local jurisdictions were served, a breakdown on the number of pilots trained and how many operations and flight hours were logged in the provision of this activity.
- Does HAA / HA contract with other companies or private instructors for flight training? If so, please name these businesses and / or individuals.
Questions Specific to PCC
- How many PCC students are training at the Hillsboro Airport? How many are from within the U.S? How many are from outside the country? How many are from Oregon? How many are from out of state? How many are from within the local community? Please provide annual and monthly data starting from the year when PCC first began offering flight training.
- If from outside the U.S., please specify which countries they originate from.
- Do any foreign state owned, privately run airlines or businesses subsidize the education of these students? If so please provide the names of these airlines or businesses.
- How many PCC students are helicopter students? How many are fixed wing? Please provide annual and monthly data starting from the year when PCC first began offering flight training.
- Are any PCC student pilots training in larger aircraft such as corporate or commercial jets or commuter and air taxi aircraft? If so are they training out of HIO? Please provide annual and monthly data starting from the year when PCC first began offering flight training.
- How much flight time is each pilot required to accrue for certification purposes?
- How many hours of nighttime training is each student required to accrue for certification?
- How many inclement weather hours is each student required to accrue for certification?
- Do all PCC student pilots contract with Hillsboro Aero Academy for flight training?
- Please identify any businesses or individuals besides Hillsboro Aero Academy involved in providing flight training at HIO or other nearby airports.
Questions Specific to Horizon Air
A December 2016 Hillsboro Tribune article reported on a collaborative effort between Hillsboro Aero Academy and Horizon Air to offer commercial flight training out of the Hillsboro Airport.[11] Members of the public who will bear the brunt of the noise, pollution, safety and security risks were not consulted. Nor was this topic discussed at the Hillsboro Airport Roundtable Exchange before it disbanded last year.
- Please specify the number of student pilots currently served by Horizon Air at HIO.
- How many flight hours is each student required to log for commercial certification?
- Please identify the country of origin of the pilots Horizon Air is currently serving and those this company intends to serve in the future.
- Please identify the number of pilots training from outside the state and identify their individual states and jurisdictions of origin.
- Please identify the number of pilots training from any and all jurisdictions in Oregon.
- Please identify the specific flight paths utilized by Horizon Air.
- How many HIO operations has Horizon Air logged to date? Please identify the months and years they were logged.
- Has Horizon Air trained pilots from North Korea, Russia, or Syria? If so when and how many? Please provide this information on an annual and monthly basis.
- Is Horizon Air currently training pilots from any of these countries?
- Is Horizon Air partnering with other Oregon airports in providing commercial training? If so, please identify the airports involved.
- Is Horizon Air partnering with Oregon businesses in providing commercial training? If so, please identify the businesses involved.
- Is Horizon Air partnering with Oregon educational institutions in providing commercial training? If so, please identify the educational institutions involved.
Questions Specific to the Scappoose Airpark
There appears to be a network of airports throughout region which are engaged in flight training activities. Information from these facilities could help shed light on this issue. Since Vince Granato, the Chief Operating Officer for the Port of Portland, was appointed by the Governor to serve on the board of the State Department of Aviation he is in a key role to coordinate information flow between the two agencies.
- How many pilots have trained at the Scappoose Airpark, which is closely associated with State Senator Betsy Johnson, who owns a business at this facility?
- To what extent has Senator Johnson personally and financially benefited from the flight training industry?
- To what extent has Senator Johnson personally and financially benefited from Oregon legislation specifically designed to promote flight training and other aviation activity in Oregon?
- How many pilots have trained at the Scappoose Airpark? Please provide numbers on a monthly and annual basis starting when flight training first commenced at this facility.
- Please identify the specific companies that provide the training.
- How many student pilots training at this facility are currently or have in the past been associated with Hillsboro Aero Academy / Hillsboro Aviation?
- How many are from outside the country? Please identify the specific countries served and include a breakdown of the number of pilots served from each country on a monthly and annual basis. How many are from outside the state? Please identify the specific states served.
- To what extent, if any, is Senator Johnson likely to personally benefit from the $7.5 million in state money approved by the legislature for the establishment of an innovation center in the vicinity of her private business at the Scappoose Airpark?[12]
Questions Specific to the State Department of Aviation and Other Airports in the Region
The State Department of Aviation oversees a number of airports. In addition there are a number of privately owned public use airports in the region including, but not limited to, Stark Twin Oaks and Skyport.
- Please provide information on the businesses served at each facility?
- How many of these businesses are involved in flight training?
- How many pilots have trained at each of Oregon's state owned airports? How many pilots have trained at Oregon airports that are not owned by the state? Please provide a breakdown by airport. Please provide numbers on a monthly and annual basis starting when flight training first commenced at each facility.
- Please identify the specific companies that provide the training at each airport.
- How many student pilots at each airport are from outside the country? Please identify the specific countries served and include a breakdown of the number of pilots served from each country on a monthly and annual basis.
- How many student pilots at each airport are from outside the state? Please identify the specific states served and include a breakdown of the number of pilots served from each country on a monthly and annual basis.
- If the pilots trained are from Oregon, please identify the jurisdictions from which they originate and specify the number of pilots served on a monthly and annual basis. Please provide this information on a per airport basis.
Concluding Remarks
Unfortunately Hillsboro Aviation, Hillsboro Aero Academy and others involved in the flight training industry throughout the region have achieved their success by exploiting and degrading the quality of life, environment, livability, safety and security of area residents.
The decision by the Port of Portland, Portland Community College, the aviation industry, and local and state officials who, either actively or passively, promote flight training at the expense of national security, the environment and livability poses a serious threat to the greater good as does the failure of these agencies to act in a responsible and transparent manner. The public has a right to know who is circling their homes and properties at all hours of the day and night.
[1] Hammill, Luke. Hillsboro Aviation Sells Flight Training School, But Day-to-Day Operations Not Likely to Change. (12/2/14). Last accessed on-line on 8/20/17 at http://www.oregonlive.com/hillsboro/index.ssf/2014/12/hillsboro_aviation_sells_fligh.html.
[2] International Student Information. Hillsboro Aero Academy website. Last accessed online on 8/23/17 at http://www.flyhaa.com/student-resources/international-students/.
[3] Siemers, Erik. After Pact with Horizon, Hillsboro School Aims to be Training Ground for Commercial Pilots. Portland Business Journal. (12/14/16). Last accessed on 9/11/17 at https://www.bizjournals.com/portland/news/2016/12/12/after-pact-with-horizon-hillsboro-school-aims-to.html.
[4] Hillsboro Aviation Prepared to Support General Aviation Growth in China. Vertical Magazine. (3/5/11) Last accessed on-line on 9/14/17 at https://www.verticalmag.com/features/hillsboro-aviation-prepared-to-support-general-aviation-growth-in-china-html/.
[5] About Us. Hillsboro Aviation Website. Last Accessed in April of 2013.
[6] Hachman, Carl. Troutdale Flight School is International Cockpit for Pilots. Portland Tribune. (6/4/13). Last accessed on-line on 8/20/17 at http://portlandtribune.com/go/44-features/153866-troutdale-flight-school-is-international-cockpit-for-pilots.
[7] Bailey, Everton. Police Kill Gunman Who Tried to Hijack Helicopter at Hillsboro Airport. Oregonian / Oregon Live. (7/3/17). Last accessed on-line on 9/12/17 at http://www.oregonlive.com/hillsboro/index.ssf/2017/07/police_investigating_reported.html.
[8] Bailey, Everton. Police Identify Attempted Helicopter Hijacker Killed by Officer. Oregonian / Oregon Live. (7/5/17). Last accessed on-line on 9/12/17 at http://www.oregonlive.com/hillsboro/index.ssf/2017/07/police_identify_attempted_heli.html.
[9] Friedman, Gordon. Heading to Korea, Sen. Merkley Cites 'Extraordinary Risk of Potential War.' Oregonian / OregonLive (8/18/17}. Last accessed on-line on 8/20/17 at http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/08/heading_to_korea_sen_merkley_c.html.
[10] CNBC Reuters. China Builds New Military Facilities on South China Sea Islands: Think Tank. (6/30/17). Last accessed on-line at https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/30/china-builds-military-facilities-south-china-sea-islands.html.
[11] Pamplin Media Group. Hillsboro Aero, Horizon Air Strike Deal for New Pilots. (12/12/16). Last accessed on-line on 9/11/17 at http://pamplinmedia.com/ht/117-hillsboro-tribune-news/336133-216106-hillsboro-flight-school-partners-with-seattle-airline-to-train-next-generation-of-pilots.
[12] Vaughn, Courtney. State Releases $7.5 Million for Innovation Center. Columbia County Spotlight: Pamplin Media Group. (5/25/16). Last accessed on 9/11/17 at http://www.pamplinmedia.com/scs/83-news/308739-186801-state-releases-75-million-for-innovation-center.
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