"Stay Grounded" International Network launched to counter expansion of air traffic
1st-14th October - 2 weeks of protest events to be held around the world
Magdalena Heuwieser & Mira Kapfinger / coordinators of Stay Grounded
Mail: info@stay-grounded.org
Phone: 0043/6503773102
1st October 2018 - This week marks the official launch of Stay Grounded, a global network of organisations and activist groups working to curb the unrestrained expansion of the aviation sector that is causing ever increasing damage to the climate and local residents. Supported by more than 100 civil society organisations, like Friends of the Earth International, the network has published a position paper outlining 13 steps for a transition towards a transport system that is more socially just and ecologically sustainable.
The Stay Grounded network will organise protest events around the world in the coming two weeks to raise awareness of the ongoing massive wave of airport infrastructure expansion, and the need for alternatives: They will take place in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, the UK, and other countries.
"The actions are directed against airport infrastructure projects, many of them leading to noise and health issues, loss of homes, biodiversity and fertile lands", explains Mira Kapfinger from Stay Grounded, pointing out a map of airport conflicts. Around the world, about 1200 airports are planned to be built or being expanded. The protests will also throw a spotlight on the industry's inadequate "greenwashing" strategies, which will lead to increasing pressure on ecosystems, peasant communities, and indigenous peoples, particularly in the Global South.
Aviation Emissions and Greenwashed Climate Strategies
The protests are just in time: At the end of October, International Aviation will decide on its climate strategy called CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation). It proclaims the goal to achieve "carbon neutral growth" after 2020 by buying cheap and ineffective carbon credits from offset projects in the Global South. These supposedly "green" projects have a record of fuelling land grabbing and human rights violations. "Instead of assuming responsibility for the harmful impact of its reckless growth path, the industry is trying to buy its way out at the expense of vulnerable populations who are at risk of losing their livelihoods due to these offsetting projects", Mira Kapfinger adds.
"CORSIA is not only a greenwashed cloth attempting to polish aviation. It is also being used as a diversion tactic to block any effective regulation of the sector", explains Magdalena Heuwieser from Stay Grounded. The European aviation industry is recently trying to lobby EU officials to abolish existing regulation of aviation emissions, like the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and ticket taxes, by pointing to an alleged overlap with CORSIA.
Mira Kapfinger from Stay Grounded said: "This year's summer of record temperatures, droughts and forest fires, has been another warning sign that it is now most urgent for us all to resist the growing greenhouse gas emissions from aviation." Aviation is by far the mode of transport with the biggest climate impact, as well as being one of the fastest growing sectors in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.
Stay Grounded demands effective regulations on aviation
Stay Grounded rejects greenwashed aviation strategies like CORSIA, carbon trading and tanked biofuels and instead fosters effective solutions to the climate crisis and rising aviation emissions. "For decades, the aviation industry has enjoyed many privileges. For example, flight tickets and kerosene still remain untaxed, in contrast to car fuel or train tickets. Now is the time to wake up. "Techno-fixes" and offsets are illusions. Rather than fueling further expansion, air traffic urgently needs to be controlled and reduced, before we get locked in to their unaffordable emissions. This process needs to be socially just," Mira Kapfinger concludes.
Photos: https://www.flickr.com/gp/164860673@N04/EfNB56
Further information:
- facebook and twitter @staygrounded3
- "Stay Grounded: 13 Steps for a Just Transport System and for Rapidly Reducing Aviation": https://stay-grounded.org/position-paper/
- Map of conflicts related to the expansion of airport infrastructure: https://stay-grounded.org/map/
- Report "The Illusion of Green Flying": https://stay-grounded.org/infos/green-flying/
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