Hillsboro Airport - HAIR Composition
Compiled and written by Jim Lubischer, January 29, 2012
(See HAIR Roster for a copy of HAIR's membership roster)
Serious discussion of airport matters requires a forum comprised of a balance of interests. Unfortunately the Hillsboro Airport Issues Roundtable does not, as currently composed, have that balance.
Thirteen of the 16 "active" HAIR members have aviation connections. Should Representative Lindsay not continue to attend HAIR meetings, then 13 of the then 15 "active" members will have aviation connections.
The Hillsboro Airport Issues Roundtable (HAIR) "was formed to enhance and facilitate communication among all stakeholders toward optimizing creative and fair solutions and outcomes and promoting healthy development of the Hillsboro Airport." (HAIR Bylaws)
The Roundtable shall: [1] Report in an advisory capacity to Port of Portland staff and to other stakeholders. [2] Act on behalf of local neighborhoods, businesses, and jurisdictions as the official forum to address concerns related to the operation of the Hillsboro Airport. [3] Provide input and oversight on the implementation of recommendations from the 2005 Master Plan, Compatibility Study Update, and current or future airport planning activities. [4] Explore and motivate "win-win" outcomes, drawing on the experience and expertise of all stakeholders. [5] Discuss airport issues and provide advice on issue resolution and follow-up actions, with an emphasis on community livability and economic vitality. [6] Enhance citizen understanding of Hillsboro Airport operations and management by being available as a resource to citizens, businesses, or jurisdictions with questions about airport operations. (HAIR Bylaws)
The City of Hillsboro has characterized HAIR as a "citizen advisory committee" (City of Hillsboro Ordinance No. 5935 1-19-10, Exhibit A, page 1.)
The goals identified in HAIR's bylaws and the City's characterization of HAIR as a "citizen advisory committee" imply that HAIR is comprised of a balance of interests. Currently, however, 13 of HAIR's 16 "active" members have connections with the aviation industry.
HAIR helped formulate the City of Hillsboro's airport zoning Ordinance (No. 5929/10-09) which was found by the Land Use Board of Appeals to violate both the U.S. Constitution and the Oregon State Constitution. In addition, HAIR supports the addition of a third runway at Hillsboro Airport (HIO) and HAIR supported the "finding" that there would be no significant impact from the addition of a third runway at HIO. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with that "finding." HAIR has also downplayed Hillsboro Airport's (HIO) lead pollution of our community. HIO has the distinction of being in the top 1% of airports in the nation for estimated lead emissions (HIO ranks #21 in the nation).
The Port of Portland, which owns the Hillsboro Airport, was instrumental in forming HAIR. Depending on the section of HAIR bylaws referenced, HAIR is either chaired by the Port of Portland's General Aviation Manager or the General Aviation Manager co-chairs with one "citizen at large representative." The Port of Portland is largely responsible for selecting the members of HAIR and for specifying its agenda.
Prior to March, 2011, of the 6 "Citizen Representatives" ("Community At-Large Members") 5 were pilots and the one who was not a pilot was "disposed to aviation" (this member left the committee just prior to HAIR's 11-2-11 meeting). Only since mid-2011 has HAIR included seats for one representative from Citizen Participation Organization 8 and one from CPO 9. The representative for CPO 9 began attending HAIR meetings on 11-2-11. As of 1-17-12, the CPO 8 position has not been filled.
HAIR is to include: 7 Citizen Representatives, 6 Jurisdictional Representatives, 4 Airport Users, 3 Business Representatives, 1 Technical Representative, and 1 Port of Portland Representative.
As of 11-2-11 the "Citizen Representatives" included Kimberly Culbertson (who represents CPO 9), Dana McCullough (who is a pilot and whose family owns Aero Air), Jack Lettieri (who is a pilot and is affiliated with the Experimental Aircraft Association which is based at Stark's Twin Oaks Airpark), Ted Deur (who is a pilot and is affiliated with the Olinger Airport Corporation), Fred Hostetler (who is a pilot and is president of the Hillsboro Flying Club), and Mike Gallagher (who is a retired USAF pilot and corporate jet pilot).
There are two vacant seats within the "Citizen Representatives" subgroup of HAIR (Three vacancies if one counts the seat vacated by Tom Little). These vacant positions include a seat for a "local environmental group or interest" and a seat for a representative from CPO 8. As of 1-17-12 no representative for CPO 8 has been added. (CPO 8 has discussed this position but no one yet is willing to take it.) Even with a CPO 8 representative, HAIR will still be overwhelmingly comprised of aviation interests. (When HAIR was discussing the possibility of including representatives from CPO 8 and CPO 9 one HAIR member asked "how do you control a CPO representative, especially the antagonist we're talking about [who] doesn't live in a CPO area?")
Of the six "Jurisdiction Representatives," four do not attend HAIR meetings. These "inactive" members include State Senator Bruce Starr, State Representative Katie Eyre (House District 29), Washington County Chairman Andy Duyck, and Metro Councilor Kathryn Harrington.
State Representative Shawn Lindsay (House District 30) attended his first HAIR meeting on 11-2-11 but has indicated that it will likely be necessary for him to send a delegate to future meetings. Mayor Jerry Willey has attended several HAIR meetings starting in mid 2011. Mayor Willey's spouse is president of the Oregon International Airshow. (The representative for the City of Hillsboro prior to mid-2011 was Councilor Ed Dennis who had not attended HAIR meetings for several previous years.)
Senator Bruce Starr has an alternate (Commander Resnick) who regularly attends HAIR meetings. Commander Resnick is a former naval commander. His son worked at Hillsboro Airport until his tragic death in a plane crash in 2009. Washington County Commission Chairman Andy Duyck is a pilot and has expressed his view that he will accept no limitations on the Hillsboro Airport. He does not attend HAIR meetings but starting around March of 2011, an alternate, Andrew Singelakis, Director of Washington County Land Use and Transportation, began attending as his "non-voting" alternate. Metro Councilor Kathryn Harrington's alternate, Tim O'Brien, has not attended a HAIR meeting in over a year. Mr. O'Brien lives in NE Portland.
Of the three "Business Representatives," Lisa DuPre' is employed by the Washington County Fairplex and does not attend HAIR meetings; Bert Zimmerly is a pilot employed by Global Aviation; and Cathy Stanton, president of the Beaverton City Council, represents the Westside Economic Alliance.
Of the four "Airport Users," Brian Cole is Intel's liaison; Brian Lockhart represents Global Aviation; Judy Willey is the president of the Oregon International Airshow; and Ken Dyar represents the Hillsboro Airport Business Association (HABA).
The businesses that comprise HABA and the identity of HABA's Board of Directors remain a mystery despite repeated requests to Mr. Dyar, HABA's Operating Manager, and to Mr. Steve Nagy, the Port's General Aviation Manager. In an 11-16-11 email Mr. Nagy stated, "We do not have information as to what businesses or individuals comprise HABA, or its Board of Directors." What has been determined is that the Secretary of HABA is Mr. Brian Lockhart. Mr. Lockhart works for Global Aviation and is an "Airport User" representative on HAIR. The president of HABA is Mr. Roger Kelsay, owner of Premier Jets.
The remaining two members of HAIR include a "Technical Representative," Mr. Joseph Fiala, who is a pilot and employed by the Federal Aviation Administration as the Air Traffic Control Tower manager at HIO; and a "Port of Portland Representative," Mr. Steve Nagy, who is a pilot and the General Aviation Manager for the Port of Portland.
To summarize: As of 11-2-11, there are 21 named HAIR members. Of the 21 named members 14 have aviation connections, 10 being pilots. 16 of the 21 named members are "active" as they regularly attend HAIR meetings. Of the 16 "active" named members, 13 have aviation connections, 9 being pilots. Five of the current six "Citizen Representatives" are pilots. If "active" alternates, Commander Rudi Resnick for Senator Starr and Mr. Andrew Singelakis for Washington County Board Chairman Andy Duyck, are included,then there are 18 functioning positions with 15 positions having aviation connections, 10 being pilots.
There are a number of issues related to the Port of Portland's airport in Hillsboro which deserve to be discussed and dealt with. Some of these issues include noise aggravation, safety issues, lead pollution, other air pollutants, national security risks, property devaluation, proposed new runway (note that the City of Portland's code prohibits an additional runway at PDX) and fiscal responsibility. Best use for this property also deserves discussion.
The City of Hillsboro's land development actions have allowed and even encouraged incompatible uses (residential and industrial) to be located near the airport. This has created concerns and conflict. In addition, training flights over rural areas erode the quality of life in those areas. Serious discussion of these matters requires a forum comprised of a balance of interests. Unfortunately the Hillsboro Airport Issues Roundtable does not, as currently composed, have that balance.
Any recommendations to the City of Hillsboro from HAIR regarding the Port of Portland's airport in Hillsboro must be considered in light of HAIR's composition and any recommendations be duly acknowledged as being recommendations from aviation advocates.
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